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            Beiyu Technologies Constructing A Clean Environment for People!
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               Shanghai Headquarters and R&D CenterShanghai Beiyu Analytical Instruments Co.,Ltd, listed on the NEEQ (National Equities Exchange and Quotations, stock code: 838239, stock name: Beiyu instruments), is a high-tech company certified by Shanghai government.Beiyu obtained support from Innovation Fund for Technology-based SMEs founded by the MOST (China Ministry of Science and Technology) in 2013, its main products are certified as High-tech Incubation Project by Commission of Science and Technology of Shanghai. The founder, Chen Fan, was awarded Technology Innovation Entrepreneur by MOST in ...
            Tel: 021-54359527
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            Sales contact: 86-21-54359527-808
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            E-Mail: by-sales@beiyutech.com
            Headquarters: Building 6, No. 4288 Hutai Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai, PR China
            Manufacture base: No.68 Southeast Avenue, Southeast Economic Development Zone, Changshu, Jiangsu Province, PR China.
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